How can you do basic math within a grid using columns?
Hi Caliper
You can check out the webinar on using an advanced (sql) script. I think its number 32. This should get you started in the right direction.
Just looking to do a simple calculation in estimate grid. I would like to have a total cost collumn, which would calculate the qty multiplied by the cost in the estimate.
Thank you,
Within a grid - for an integer field the event has to be "lose focus." Text change does not work as an event.
Thank you for your response,
All I am trying to do is:
Insert a column on the Estimate Screen, which will total all costs for each line item. (Item Qty *Cost Rate)
Hi Angelo
In order to help you with this, it'd be helpful to know your experience with method. Have you been using method for a while or are you new to it? Maybe somewhere in between?
Basic knowledge, 1 month user