Hi Hannah,
Hannah:First, when I add a subtotal field it calculates correctly except for adding four decimal spaces, even if there is no change there will be four zeros
You will need to edit the summary properties and set the format string to {0:$0.00}.
Hannah:Second, the sales tax percent field does not automatically populate. When I choose a sales tax from the sales tax drop down menu it seems like the percent field should pull that information from quickbooks or somewhere, right?
Let me test this out and get back to you.
Hannah:And finally, when I add a "ship to address 1" field it will put in the name on the address but not the address itself. I tried all the other numbered "ship to" fields but they all just insert the name and not the physical address. There are also fields for the city state zip etc. but not for just the address.
You should be using ShipAddressAddr2. If you are using the standard Estimate screen ShipAddressAddr2 will display whatever is on the second text box of the Ship To information.