I have finished the report and all works well except for one area. I created all the fields, added them to the screen, and pulled the data onto the report. Here's the problem. I created a parts list similar to the line items on the simple invoice, but it will only pull in the first line of data from the partslistgrid. If I put QTY(2) Serial#(01-234234) PartDescrip(blue widget), I can pull that data onto the report just fine, but if I add QTY(1) Serial#(01-2342342) PartDescrip(Red Widget) as the second line in the grid, only the "blue widget" shows up on the report. Is there something I have to change on the report in order to get it to continue down the grid and pull all the parts added to the order?
Here's the Report Table Section:
not sure if you can see the picture but it's the same setup as simple invoice:
Page Header Band and Page header info
Group Header Band and Group header info
Detail band followed by DetailReport Band followed by Detail1 Band
The Fields from the PartsGrid are here
Group Footer Band
Like I said it all works except that it won't pull in the second line from the parts grid.