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6 places after decimal for currency, need 2

Last post 05-26-2011 9:17 AM by Method_Michael. 3 replies.
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  • 05-25-2011 3:36 PM

    6 places after decimal for currency, need 2

    I am trying to customize the estimate report and as soon as I opened it, it came up as having 5 or 6 decimal points after the quantity and cost columns.  I have checked the formatting string and it's {0:$0.00} and I've tried changing it and then changing it back.  Is there any other way to make this work?

    Jessica M.
  • 05-26-2011 8:27 AM In reply to

    Re: 6 places after decimal for currency, need 2

    Hi Jessica,

    Which estimate template are you using? Have you made any changes to it already or was this occuring before any changes were made?


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 05-26-2011 8:32 AM In reply to

    Re: 6 places after decimal for currency, need 2

    It happened as soon as I made the copy of it, I didn't touch any of the fields it is happening to so I'm not sure why it's happening.  It's the SimpleEstimate that I'm working with.

    Jessica M.
  • 05-26-2011 9:17 AM In reply to

    Re: 6 places after decimal for currency, need 2


    Hi Jessica,

    Can you enable MethodSupport (Customize > Users) and email me your company account name and I will take a quick look.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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