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Estimate Subtotal, can it be altered?

Last post 06-15-2011 3:19 PM by Method_Michael. 1 replies.
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  • 06-15-2011 2:32 PM

    Estimate Subtotal, can it be altered?

    I added a discount rate then an amount after discount column into the estimate line grid and it flows through correctly, but the subtotal below is still pulling from the total amount column instead of the amount after discount and it doesn't seem to want to allow me to switch that over.  Is this something that can be done?


    Thanks, Jessica

    Jessica M.
  • 06-15-2011 3:19 PM In reply to

    Re: Estimate Subtotal, can it be altered?


    Hi Jessica,

    What you would need to do is use the Amount column to store your 'amount after discount' and just use another column to store the amount before discount. This way the subtotal will calculate correctly and be linked to the correct QuickBooks field.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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