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Any rules on Sign In Company Name format?

Last post 06-20-2011 9:01 AM by Method_Michael. 1 replies.
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  • 06-18-2011 1:49 AM

    • DaveS
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 07-03-2009
    • Boulder, Colorado
    • Posts 87

    Any rules on Sign In Company Name format?

    Are there any rules to the Method Integration Sign In Company Name format, such as can it have alpha, numeric and special characters, max length, etc?

    For example instead of Sign in Company Name = JohnSmith,  can it be  John123#!~&^Smith  ? 

    Dave Sakamoto CPA, MBA
    Founder and CEO Info On The Web
  • 06-20-2011 9:01 AM In reply to

    Re: Any rules on Sign In Company Name format?


    Hi Dave,

    Here are the rules for the sign in company name:

    • Can contain Alphanumeric characters
    • No special characters besides _ (underscore)
    • Cannot start with a number
    • No spaces
    • Max length of 128



    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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