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Last post 07-19-2011 7:53 AM by Anonymous. 3 replies.
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  • 07-18-2011 4:06 PM

    • Tim B.
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 07-18-2011
    • Posts 2


    Under the Customer Center tab, it shows information regarding that customer.  Many of our customers have several contacts.  Within the customer table, can I create a drop down list in Contact field where it shows all current contacts?  Or, do I need to create another tab called "Contacts" in the customer table?  Which way is the best?  Thank you.

  • 07-18-2011 4:18 PM In reply to

    Re: Customization



    Before you start to customize the screen, you might want to check out the blog entry I just posted.  The new CRM does exactly what your asking and if you're already using Method CRM or Full Blown Edition, it is free to switch.  It is awesome and I LOVE IT!

  • 07-19-2011 7:25 AM In reply to

    • Tim B.
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 07-18-2011
    • Posts 2

    Re: Customization

    Danny - Thanks for the info. on the CRM upgrade.  Considering that we're in the process of moving our previous CRM data to Method, would this be the best time to upgrade?

  • 07-19-2011 7:53 AM In reply to

    Re: Customization

    Tim B.:

    Danny - Thanks for the info. on the CRM upgrade.  Considering that we're in the process of moving our previous CRM data to Method, would this be the best time to upgrade?


    I would move over ASAP.  The data structure for the new CRM is the same but we've added additional fields to fit the new features added.  The key is workflow.  If you're going to learn the CRM and train staff, it's much easier using the new layout.  Smile

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