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Secondary Dropdown

Last post 07-19-2011 4:10 PM by Method_Michael. 1 replies.
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  • 07-19-2011 1:05 PM

    • s.white
    • Top 200 Contributor
    • Joined on 11-17-2010
    • Central/Upstate NY
    • Posts 22

    Secondary Dropdown

    How do I make a secondary dropdown appear based on the selection from a first dropdown?

    For example, I have added lead source to the additonal info section of the customer list tab link.  The lead source has a drop down of choices.  One of my choices in lead source is customer referral.  If I choose the customer referral, I want a list of my customers to appear so I can select the one who made the referral to me.  I then want that customer name that I choose to appear on my screen in a field next to my lead source field.

    Thanks for any assistance!

  • 07-19-2011 4:10 PM In reply to

    Re: Secondary Dropdown


    Hi s.white,

    On the text change event for the lead source drop down, you can add some actions that will check to see if the value selected is 'Customer referral' and if it is show another drop down with customers. On the customer drop down on the text change event you can use the Enter value onto field on screen action to enter the selected value into another field.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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