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Feild Services>work order list> Printing route list

Last post 01-17-2013 11:18 AM by Matt. 7 replies.
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  • 08-25-2011 2:44 PM

    Feild Services>work order list> Printing route list


    For some odd reason, the button that i use on my custom page for printing route lists is not working again. I havent done anything to this button. The default route list button works. I simply copied the Work Order list page but that was 6 months ago and never made any changes to the button.  Any suggestions?


  • 08-25-2011 3:13 PM In reply to

    Re: Feild Services>work order list> Printing route list

    Hey John,

    Are you getting an error message? What exactly is happening when you click on that button?


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 08-25-2011 10:59 PM In reply to

    Re: Feild Services>work order list> Printing route list

    If i choose All, dont have any work orders selected and  press the print route list button, i get this message,

    Could not loop though grid. No checkboxes were selected. Action sequence order27

    If i choose All and have the work orders selected i get this message,

    Action sequence:12  There has been an error during the action process.

    If i choose Selected only and have the work orders selected i get this message.

    Action sequence:12. There has been an error durning the action process.



  • 08-26-2011 1:05 AM In reply to

    Re: Feild Services>work order list> Printing route list


    Ok after a few cans of pepsi, and looking at a page that does work, line 9 Character Function the actions were way off. So i entered the correct values and and it now works great.

    If this issues comes up again i will  let you know.


    John M

  • 08-26-2011 8:11 AM In reply to

    Re: Feild Services>work order list> Printing route list


    Caffeine goes a long way when it comes to troubleshooting Smile

    Thanks for the heads up and i'm glad to hear that it's work for you now. 




    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 01-17-2013 8:25 AM In reply to

    Re: Feild Services>work order list> Printing route list

    I too am aiming to use Route lists in my business.  I have added several routes and have began the process but I have no way of filtering to see these routes.  

    I have so far not entered an work order for any of our regular winter lists.  These lists are generated by weather and not by a regular schedule (not per se recurring)  I would love to be able to view a list at the end of a snow day.  I would then check off the customers (wo's) on the list done by each crew, assign these work orders to that crew and then enter the job costing pre crew.   Any ideas


  • 01-17-2013 9:37 AM In reply to

    Re: Feild Services>work order list> Printing route list

    Hi Mike,

    To filter the list by Route, you can click the gear on the bottom right of the grid and add the Route column to see which route the work order was assigned to.  This would not be permanent.  You can make this permanent by customizing the grid on the screen to show that field.  You can then use the Filter by View to filter the grid based on particular routes.  

    The other actions can be done without customizing.  You can assign multiple WO's by selecting them in the grid then going to the Update Work Order tab and assigning them.  For job cost, you can go back to the grid, make sure they are still selected and click on the More Actions button and selecting Job Cost Selected.

    Hope this helps.

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 01-17-2013 11:18 AM In reply to

    • Matt
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Feild Services>work order list> Printing route list


    I have a solution that addresses the specific needs of the snow industry. I'd be happy to discuss it with you further. You can contact me at 219-221-9500 or

    Matt Raiser



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