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Open Invoices Scheduled Report

Last post 09-15-2011 8:40 AM by Method_Michael. 5 replies.
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  • 09-13-2011 5:34 AM

    Open Invoices Scheduled Report



    I have created a schedule report for Open Invoices. This report shows all the invoices, But i need to filter this report according to date wise. I want to show the invoices created in this year only.

    For this i tried it in two ways those are

    1. By setting the Reporting Period as "This year", even though i get all the invoices.

    2. And i also tried by setting Reporting Period as "Custom" and set the start date & end date, this case also its showing all the invoices rather than giving the invoices created in between the start date and end date. 

    Can you please give me any suggestions to get year wise invoice report.


    Thanks & Regards,





  • 09-13-2011 9:07 AM In reply to

    Re: Open Invoices Scheduled Report


    I was able to duplicate your issue but looking at the QuickBooks Open Invoices report it is giving me the same results. Are you able to generate this report in QB using the Open Invoices?


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 09-13-2011 9:17 AM In reply to

    Re: Open Invoices Scheduled Report

    Yes Michael, i am able to generate the Open Invoice report in QB. But can we restrict this report to one year?


  • 09-13-2011 9:22 AM In reply to

    Re: Open Invoices Scheduled Report


    Just to be a bit more specific, can you generate the report in QB with the date range you are looking for(one year)?


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 09-15-2011 1:55 AM In reply to

    Re: Open Invoices Scheduled Report


    I am unable to generate Open Invoices report with date range one year in QB. Is there any way to generate it in Methods with date range?


  • 09-15-2011 8:40 AM In reply to

    Re: Open Invoices Scheduled Report



    Using a scheduled report in Method is exactly like printing a report from QB it has the same restrictions and options. You could create a report to display this in Method using Method Report Designer. It would be a report based on the invoice table where the Balance is greater then 0 and the TxnDate is between a certain range. We have webinars on report designer if you have not used it before.

    Some things to note though is that with Method reports it reports against tranasctions that are within Method(Set by the transaction history) and the data will only be completly up-to-date with QuickBooks data if the Method Sync engine is running.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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