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"My Active Activities On Or Before Today" vs "My Activities"

Last post 10-07-2011 3:12 PM by smohyee. 3 replies.
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  • 10-04-2011 5:36 PM

    "My Active Activities On Or Before Today" vs "My Activities"

    In the Activities lists that show up while working in the Case or Activities tabs, you can filter your list with four preset filters. The default filter when you open the activities list is

    "My active activities on or before today"

    As funny as that name is, I have been unable to figure out how to get any activity to show under this filter, even though all the activities I've created DO show up under the "My Activities" filter.

    I figure it has something to do with the "active" part, since even activities created on or before today don't show up.. but shouldn't every activity that is marked "In Progress" count as active? If not, what makes a activity active?

  • 10-04-2011 5:51 PM In reply to

    Re: "My Active Activities On Or Before Today" vs "My Activities"

    I just took a look at the action list for that "active activities" filter, and apparently "active" means every activity that is not marked as cancelled or completed.

    So I may be experiencing a bug, because I've had activities created via the outlook addon, via the edit case screen, and via the new activity screen, and even those that aren't marked complete or cancelled don't show up in the filter.

  • 10-05-2011 8:10 AM In reply to

    Re: "My Active Activities On Or Before Today" vs "My Activities"



    What is the 'Due On' set for these activities?

    If the 'Due On' date is either today or earlier then today and the status is not cancelled or complete it should show up in this list if thats not the case, can you enable MethodSupport(Customize  > Users) and email me your account name and I will take a look.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 10-07-2011 3:12 PM In reply to

    Re: "My Active Activities On Or Before Today" vs "My Activities"


    Of the three test activites I made, two are due 10/4, and one is due 10/11. One of the 10/4 activities is "In Progress", the other is "Completed". The expectation is that I should be able to see the 10/4 "In Progress" activity, but I can't see any of them using that filter.

    I'll email you the info you requested.


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