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Tax Calculation Error

Last post 10-18-2011 2:20 PM by Method_Michael. 8 replies.
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  • 10-10-2011 9:44 AM

    Tax Calculation Error

    We have assigned customer a tax code that is non-taxable, but when we go to create a sales order for those customers, Method is still charging them tax.



  • 10-11-2011 8:15 AM In reply to

    Re: Tax Calculation Error


    I think I know what is happening here, when you add a line item in the sales order, Method is using the Tax Code for the Item and not the tax code for the customer. In QuickBooks when you select an item it uses the Tax Code of the Customer and prompts you about changing it to the tax code of the item instead.

    I will look into this further and get back to you on this.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 10-16-2011 8:34 AM In reply to

    Re: Tax Calculation Error

    I wanted to be added to this post notification as well.  I don't know that I'm having an issue, but I am attemptiing to find the correct Table and Field that determines if the item is taxable that will sync to the isTaxable field in the QBO Products list.

  • 10-16-2011 9:12 AM In reply to

    Re: Tax Calculation Error

    Shawn - for items in QBO, it should be the SalesTaxCode.  If "Non" then IsTaxable is false.  If "Tax" then IsTaxable is true.


  • 10-17-2011 8:57 AM In reply to

    Re: Tax Calculation Error

    Hmmm.  In Method, I don't see the SalesTaxCode field in any of the three Item tables.

  • 10-17-2011 12:04 PM In reply to

    Re: Tax Calculation Error


    I will look into this and get back to you.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 10-18-2011 5:55 AM In reply to

    Re: Tax Calculation Error

    Thanks Michael.  I am indeed having the issue above where Method appears to be disregarding the tax code setting of the customer when creating an invoice.  I think QBO looks at customer first and if "Non" taxable, ignores the settings for the item.  If however, the customer is "Tax", then it looks at the Item SalesTaxCode.  Some items for me, such as postage and/or shipping charges, are not taxable even for taxable customers.

  • 10-18-2011 7:32 AM In reply to

    Re: Tax Calculation Error

    I have discoverd a field on the Edit>QBO_ItemService screen (I copied it to edit) that is a dropdown with a label "Tax Code".  However it doesn't show up on the actual data entry/edit screen.  I cannot see anywhere that the field is hidden at either the object level or the page load level.  It is referencing the field "SalesTaxCode".  I suspect it's not showing on the data entry/edit screen because it doesn't appear that field is in the ItemService table.

    I had considered adding it, but did not for fear of creating conflicts elsewhere or in the QBO sync.  I suspect there are other formulas in sales orders and invoices that are or should be looking at this field.

  • 10-18-2011 2:20 PM In reply to

    Re: Tax Calculation Error



    Orginally when we developed the sync for QBO, there was an issue on Intuit's side with SalesTaxCode so we had to hide the field but it looks like they have now resolved that bug, so we are now displaying that field again.

    Let me know if you are still having an issue with the Taxes.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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