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All day Activity shows up on 2 days instead of one

Last post 11-21-2011 10:54 AM by Method_Michael. 1 replies.
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  • 11-21-2011 8:57 AM

    All day Activity shows up on 2 days instead of one

    When I create an Activity that is marked as an All Day activity, it shows up on the calendar on 2 consecutive days.  I want it to show only on the one day.  For instance, all day activity created for Nov 23, shows up on Nov 22 and Nov 23. 

  • 11-21-2011 10:54 AM In reply to

    Re: All day Activity shows up on 2 days instead of one


    I have been able to duplicate this issue. I will create a ticket for this and update this forum post when it is resolved or when I have additional info.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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