To get this to work you would have to edit the CRM_ActivitiesList Screen and edit the actions found in the Header section edit the actions in the GoToEditActivity-DONOTSHOW button.
In the GoToEditActivity-DONOTSHOW, you would need to get the RecurrenceType for the Activity you just selected and if it is an Occurrence, show a Message Box where Ok will assign True and Cancel will assign false and based on that go to either the Series or Occurrence. Hint: Make use of the If using with a Calendar, set for Series instead of Occurrence on the go to tab link action. This can be a bit difficult for a novice but there is another way of doing this.
The second option would be to create a second link on the grid lets say Go To Series... and have it call a button simliar to GoToEditActivity-DONOTSHOW but make gure the Go To Tab link action has If using with a Calendar, set for Series instead of Occurrence checked.