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Changing Job Site on Work Order

Last post 01-17-2013 8:29 AM by Michael. 7 replies.
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  • 12-12-2011 6:39 PM

    Changing Job Site on Work Order

     I am new to Method and I am trying to customize my work orders. When I write a work order the default Job Site is the ship to address from Quick Books customer. We have property managers that have a different job sites. How can I edit the job site on the work order and print it when printing. I tried to create an estimate in Method with a job site other then bill to address and it did not make a difference

    Lenny Schrecengost
  • 12-13-2011 9:09 AM In reply to

    Re: Changing Job Site on Work Order


    Take a look at the Activity table (Work orders are based off this table), you will see that the Ship address is a linked field from the entity which means the address will always be what ever the address you have setup for the customer. To change this you will need to add some new fields for address and use those in your work order.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 12-13-2011 3:03 PM In reply to

    Re: Changing Job Site on Work Order

    That is what I figured. I have four how to edit the work order to put that on the work order form.

    How do I make it so it so it is on the hard copy when I print it?

    Lenny Schrecengost
  • 12-13-2011 3:44 PM In reply to

    Re: Changing Job Site on Work Order


    Len Schrec:
    That is what I figured. I have four how to edit the work order to put that on the work order form.

    I am not sure what you mean by this.

    Len Schrec:
    How do I make it so it so it is on the hard copy when I print it?

    Once you add the new fields to the Activity table they will be accesible when editing to print out in Method Report Designer.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 12-13-2011 6:19 PM In reply to

    Re: Changing Job Site on Work Order

     I did not mean anything bad about the first comment. I figured it was tied in with quick books  that would not leave me change it.

    Thanks for the other help. I did not know I needed to edit the report design also.

    Lenny Schrecengost
  • 12-13-2011 7:14 PM In reply to

    Re: Changing Job Site on Work Order

     I am working with Method and Quick Books On Line. How do I get into Report Designer? I found the webinar for report design but that is for the desktop software.

    Is there a help menu? The webinars are good but they are not dealing with the on line version, at least the ones I watched. Are some of them for the on line? Is there a help menu? I like to be able to look something up as I need it.

    Lenny Schrecengost
  • 12-14-2011 9:21 AM In reply to

    Re: Changing Job Site on Work Order



    The report designer is the same for Method for QBO and Method for QBD. You can download it by clicking Customize Templates from the Scheduling and Invoicing Dashboard.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 01-17-2013 8:29 AM In reply to

    Re: Changing Job Site on Work Order

    Just ot let you know that my daughter has solved this at the quickbooks level by creating jobs for each new address a customer may have.  This works perfect in Method as I call up the customer and choose the address.  There is a bonus that all work at each property is easily seen.


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