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Any way to associate CRM_LeadList fields with CRM_EditList fields?

Last post 01-02-2012 9:32 AM by Method_Michael. 1 replies.
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  • 12-30-2011 9:50 AM

    • Dan_AA
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    • Joined on 12-23-2011
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    Any way to associate CRM_LeadList fields with CRM_EditList fields?

    We are in the process of uploading thousands of potential leads. We want to make it so the screen CRM_LeadList shows some of the new categories we added to CRM_EditLead. For example, several hundred leads are from one source, and while we are able to get that source to appear in the CRM_EditLead screen, we cannot get that to appear in the CRM_LeadList (we can add the field but the field is not populated by the same value as in CRM_EditLead). We need this so sales reprensentatives can quickly see when they first click on the Lead tab where each lead came from.


    I am aware of the "lead source" category that is in the CRM_LeadList screen, but we need the field to be populated with what we added in the CRM_LeadList screen (we're uploading hundreds of leads at a time and we added the source category during the upload process).  Thank you.

  • 01-02-2012 9:32 AM In reply to

    Re: Any way to associate CRM_LeadList fields with CRM_EditList fields?



    The CRM_LeadList list screen and the CRM_EditLead list are based off different tables, the CRM_LeadList screen is based off the Contacts table and the CRM_EditLead screen is based off the Customer table.

    To get the fields you added to the customer table into the contacts table you can link them.

    1. Go To Customize > Tables / Fields
    2. Click Edit Fields... for the Contacts table
    3. Select Add a Linked Field
    4. For Link Using select Entity (The Entity table is a special table that includes all customers, leads, vendors, employees and others as well as the custom fields added to those tables)
    5. For Linked Field select your custom fields you want to link into the Contacts table.
    6. For Display As give the field a name or leave the default.
    If you go back to the lead list screen you should have the ablity to add the new fields to the grid.

    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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