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Problem Sending Email

Last post 01-06-2012 1:53 PM by LAppeal. 6 replies.
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  • 01-05-2012 8:15 PM

    Problem Sending Email


    I customized our Credit Memo with the option to 'Save & Email' and it is not sending an email. My first error was that Method was not finding the email template to send. Then, after fixing that, I click the button, but it still does not send. Any idea where the problem is located?

    My Actions:

    Save All Sections
    Retrieve Value From Table Move         
    Retrieve Value From Table Move         
    Retrieve Value From Table Move         
    Retrieve Value From Table Move         
    Assign Value to Action Result Assign resultEmailNotification Move         
    Start Conditional Statement If Email Notification is checked then Move         
      Retrieve Value From Table Get resultEmailTemplate Move         
    End Conditional Statement End If Move         
    Start Conditional Statement If resultEmailTemplate is empty then Move         
      Retrieve Value From Table Get the default 'Credit Memo Notification' templat... Move         
    End Conditional Statement End if Move         
    Conditional Warning Exit if there is still no valid email template set Move         
    Start Conditional Statement If To email notification is checked then Move         
      Retrieve Value From Table Get resultEmailSubject Move         
      Retrieve Value From Table Get resultEmailBody Move         
      Retrieve Value From Table Get resultEmailCC Move         
      Retrieve Value From Table Get resultEmailBCC Move         
      Retrieve Value From Table Get resultEmailFrom Move         
    End Conditional Statement End If Move         
    Start Conditional Statement If resultEmailFrom is empty then Move         
      Assign Value to Action Result Assign resultEmailFrom as the user logged in Move         
    End Conditional Statement End if Move         
    Start Loop Through Table Loop through this customer's contacts where IsOptO... Move         
      Assign Value to Action Result Get resultContactEmail Move         
      Character Function Build a resultEmailBodyContact specifically with t... Move         
      Send Email Move         
    End Loop Through Table End Loop Move         
    Start Conditional Statement If Is Opened in Popup is YES then Move         
      Show Message Show Message Email Sent Move         
      Assign Value to Action Result **DISPLAY SUCCESS MESSAGE** Move         
      Close Pop Up Screen Close the Popup Move         
      Stop Processing More Actions Exit Move         
    End Conditional Statement End



  • 01-06-2012 9:24 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem Sending Email


    Going over your actions is something that we leave for paid consuting since we would need to look into each each to determine what is actually going on, but I will give you some general troubleshooting tips.

    If you are not getting an error message from a Send Email action, it means 1 of 2 things, the email was sent (could still mean it never reached its destination) or the Send Email action was never reached.

    When actions are within a condition or loop, we suggest adding a Show Message action with some simple text inside the condition or loop (Within a loop it will have to be followed by a stop processing all actions action), to make sure that the set of actions is actually reached. If the show message comes up you know that the condition or loop requirements were met, if not then the issue lies in the condition or loop and not in the actions within it.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 01-06-2012 11:45 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem Sending Email

    Hi Michael,

    put a Show Message action inside the loop and it did not show, so I know I have a problem somewhere. Also, I tried to watch the webinar:

     Advanced Actions: Looping and Conditional Statements 

    Actions including: loop through table, send email, conditional statements

    Although it states that it goes over how to send email, the topic was never addressed. Is there a webinar that covers how to send emails? I really want to learn how to do this for myself. :)


  • 01-06-2012 12:38 PM In reply to

    Re: Problem Sending Email


    Did you put a message in your Show Message action? If you didn't, nothing will show.

    Since it looks like it never reached the Send Email action, it means that maybe the filters in your loop is to strict or never being met.

    The Send Email is a pretty basic action, and based on what you are saying this issue lies outside this action all together.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 01-06-2012 12:59 PM In reply to

    Re: Problem Sending Email

    Hi Michael,

    Yes, inside of the Show Message action I put "Credit Memo Saved. 1 Email Sent!", but the message never showed. Perhaps the issue is that I literally copied the actions from the Invoice's Save & Email button. Maybe I should have just started from stratch. Can you point me in the direction where I can find out how to send an email or can you share the basic actions necessary to send an email?



  • 01-06-2012 1:13 PM In reply to

    Re: Problem Sending Email



    The only action required to send an email is the Send Email action, in that action you could hard code all the values or pull them from action results.

    If you want to test this out, create a button with just the Send Email action and fill out all the required fields in that action.

    More step by step instructions on how to retrive and build all the content in the email crosses into paid consulting.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 01-06-2012 1:53 PM In reply to

    Re: Problem Sending Email

    Oh gosh! I was able to send it now. I was trying to make it more complicated than it was. 

    Have a good day Michael!

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