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Checkbox object alignment not changing

Last post 01-19-2012 10:20 AM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 01-18-2012 12:23 PM

    Checkbox object alignment not changing

    In a section with two columns, I have a checkbox with a caption in the left cell, and a button in the right cell. I've set the alignment of the checkbox object to "right", and the alignment of the button object to "left". Ideally this would bring the checkbox and button right next to each other in the center of the section.

    But no matter what alignment I set the checkbox to, the checkbox/caption always appear on the left side of the cell. The button will move around its cell based on alignment, but the checkbox and its caption always stays put.

    I've also tried the alternative of a single column section with both the checkbox and the button in the same cell, with both of their alignments set to "center". But the same thing happens here: while the button will show up in the center of the screen, the checkbox/caption still shows up extreme left.

    How can I successfully change the alignment of my checkbox object within a section or cell?


    Edit: I've found a workaround for the checkbox alignment. While I wasn't able to change the alignment of the checkbox object, I was able to center the checkbox and button by making the section 3 cells wide instead of just 1 cell wide, and putting both objects in the middle cell.The checkbox still aligns "left", but at least its middle-left, not left-left.

    This doesn't address the issue of not being able to change the alignment of checkboxes, however! I'm thinking there's a bug.

  • 01-19-2012 10:20 AM In reply to

    Re: Checkbox object alignment not changing

    Hi smohyee, 

    I have duplicated your issue on my end and I have the same situation with the checkbox as you have presented. I am creating an internal ticket to be looked at by our development team and will provide you with an update once I have more information available. 


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