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Access needed for SCREEN creation/modification

Last post 01-31-2012 9:45 AM by Anonymous. 3 replies.
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  • 01-30-2012 12:29 PM

    Access needed for SCREEN creation/modification

    If I'm not able to enter a new screen name on the Customize Tab/ Create a New Screen window, what access does my ADMIN need to give me?

  • 01-31-2012 8:54 AM In reply to

    Re: Access needed for SCREEN creation/modification


    Hi Abbie Sherman, 

    Your admin needs to edit your user permissions in Step 7 of 10 in the user edit wizard when they click Edit on your userTo access the Screens tab link, the Screens checkbox needs to have a check. If your admin would like you to be able to associate a tab or tab link for that new screen, then they can also checkmark Tabs in your user setting. 

    I hope that helps. 


  • 01-31-2012 9:14 AM In reply to

    Re: Access needed for SCREEN creation/modification

     I have access to the tab, but I can't type anything in the Screen Name field and the Copy/Import screen button doesn't work???

  • 01-31-2012 9:45 AM In reply to

    Re: Access needed for SCREEN creation/modification

    Hi Abbie Sherman,

    I just wanted to add additional information to my response above. You have to also modify the setting in Step 9 of 10: Access to Customize Screens on that wizard. 

    In this section, you have to put a check in the checkbox for This user is allowed to create new screens. In addition to that setting, you can also limit whether the user can customize all existing screens or certain ones from your dropdown selection.

    I hope that this helps.


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