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Set a screen to be hidden on Method startup

Last post 02-14-2012 9:17 AM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 02-10-2012 12:51 PM

    Set a screen to be hidden on Method startup

    An example of this in Vanilla Method would be the Edit Customer screen, whose tab link doesn't show in the Customer tab until you access a customer record via the Customer List screen or by some other means. Also, after you leave the Edit Customer  screen, it's tab link becomes hidden again.

    I know about the "show/hide tab link" action, and I see how I can use that on the exit button on my screen to hide the link when I'm done with the page. But what about having the tab link be hidden when I first login to Method? 



  • 02-14-2012 9:17 AM In reply to

    Re: Set a screen to be hidden on Method startup


    Hi smohyee, 

    If you go to Customize>Tabs and select the Edit Tab Links... beside any of the tabs, you have the option of putting in a checkmark under Show for certain tab links which will either enable the tab link name automatically when you go to those specific tab names.

    (Example, for the Cases tab, upon first arrival to the tab, you can either Show or Not show the Cases List if that is the tab link that you want to hide). 

    I hope that this helps.


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