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Customer Landing Page

Last post 02-14-2012 9:06 AM by Anonymous. 3 replies.
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  • 02-13-2012 9:37 AM

    Customer Landing Page

    On the customer web links to their accounts it currently lands on recent transaction page, I want them to land on the clients home page.  can this be changed?

    CEO / President
    Marlin Imaging Supply
  • 02-13-2012 2:27 PM In reply to

    Re: Customer Landing Page

    Hi Marlin Imaging,

    Are you looking to have your client directed to the "Home" tab link after they sign into the portal instead of the "Recent Transactions" tab link?





  • 02-13-2012 9:32 PM In reply to

    Re: Customer Landing Page



    Yes, I am looking for the customers to log in and land on their home page tab instead of the "recent transactions"


    Thank you


    CEO / President
    Marlin Imaging Supply
  • 02-14-2012 9:06 AM In reply to

    Re: Customer Landing Page


    Hi Lee, 

    These are the steps that you should take to allow your customer to land on the Home tab by default instead of the Recent Transactions tab:

    1. Go to Customize>Tabs
    2. Click on the Edit Tab Links... beside the Contacts Portal tab under the Tab Name heading
    3. Make sure that there is a checkmark in the Show checkbox right beside the Home tab link name

    I hope that this helps. 


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