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Pro Edition Reports

Last post 02-13-2012 3:59 PM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 02-13-2012 9:40 AM

    Pro Edition Reports

     Before I upgrade to the Pro addition I want to know which reports are already ready to run or do all reports need to be created/customized?

    CEO / President
    Marlin Imaging Supply
  • 02-13-2012 3:59 PM In reply to

    Re: Pro Edition Reports


    Hi Marlin Imaging,

    The only reports that we have available out of the box for Method is the "Lead Reports". You can get CRM information into an Excel format by retrieving information from the "Audit Trail"  and through our "Import/Export tool". It doesn't display in a pre-designed report format, but the information can be imported into a separate reporting tool on the market. 

    I hope that this helps.





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