Multiple Emails
Last post 02-24-2012 12:23 PM by Anonymous. 16 replies.
02-14-2012 3:39 PM

- Joined on 12-02-2011
- Posts 11
When my salespeople send an email, the system sends it 16 times. I have tested it along with them and confirmed that it is not user error. Any solutions?
Hi lvharris,
I wanted to give you an update that I am compiling the response to this question and going to contact you shortly.
Hi lvharris,
Is the e-mail being sent to the same recipient 16 times? Can you test sending in the activity again by e-mailing me the template at and I will confirm that this is happening for one activity.
Hi lvharris,
I did receive your forwards template. I want you to create a test activity and within the activity, check the checkbox for Send an e-mail? and in the To field, type in for that template that your sales person has sent out, and I want to see if I get that same e-mail 16 times. Once I get the e-mail or e-mails, I will update this forum post with my findings.
Hi lvharris,
I just wanted to confirm your steps when sending out the e-mail through an activity because I didn't receive the e-mail through the activity as if I was the Customer/Lead in Method that you created the activity for.
Please confirm if you are doing the following to send me the e-mail:
- In the Leads and Contacts Leads you click on Go To... for (test customer name) which opens up the Edit (test customer name) tab.
- In the screen, you choose the Activities tab, and click on the button New Activity...
- In the new activity screen, you fill out all of the required fields as well as any other field for the activity that you like, but towards the buttom of the screen, you place a check in the checkbox near the label Send an Email? which opens up the Send an Email section for the activity,
- In the Choose Template dropdown, you select the e-mail template that you would like to use, and in the To field, you will type in the e-mail for the recipient, but in this case
- The buttons that you mentioned Save, Complete, Save & Close, as well as Save & Close, will send off this e-mail to the recipient.
Steps 3 to 5 are also applicable to the actions you will do when you click on the New Activity tab link under the Activities tab.
Please try the above steps and I will let you know if I receive a duplicate of the above e-mail that is being sent over.
I hope that this helps.
Hi lvharris,
I have received the forwarded error message that you have sent me. Can you please enable the MethodSupport user for me so I can take a closer look at your e-mail settings?
Hi lvharris,
I just wanted to let you know that i was able to successfully log into your account internally, and I am looking into this matter further. Once I have an update to a resolution, I will update this forum.
Hi lvharris,
I noticed that in your e-mail account settings under Customize > My Account, you don't have a password indicated and in the selection for Use SSL, you have the selection of No.
Please type in a password in the Email Password field, select Yes for the selection for Use SSL, and for Port (optional), put the number 587.
Try to send me the e-mail within the activity again and I will let you know if I get more then one e-mail sent through.

- Joined on 12-02-2011
- Posts 11
HI Ronen,
Just to clarify: I do have a password, but it is never visible when logged into any of my different client's email preferences. However it is there and the test email function always works. I have and continue to receive the test emails. It is the Activity email that isn't working.
Nonetheless, I did try the 587 and received the following error:
"The test email failed to send. Your settings have not been saved. Please edit the setings (yes, it's misspelled) and try again. Here is the response we received from your email server.
The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure."
Hi lvharris,
Please revert to the previous e-mail preferences settings that worked for you. When I logged into to your account, I noticed that the Customer and Contacts List, New Customer, and Edit (Customer Name) screens are all customized, but the Activites List, New Activity, New Appointment, New Task, and Log Call screens under the Activites tab are all the original screens.
Did you create the activity by going through the Customers and Contacts screen, selecting a customer, and in the new customer edit tab link that opened up, created the activity by going to the Activities section, or did you create the activity by selecting one of the original tab links under the Activities tab.

- Joined on 12-02-2011
- Posts 11
HI Ronen,
According to the error message, the system would not save the previous set of changes. So, the inital settings without SSL are still there.
Regarding the way the activites were created, they were all done from within the individual Customer screen. However, I just tried it from the Activities tab in the top navigation with the same result: Email send failure with the same server response.
Hi lvharris,
I just logged into your account and changed the e-mail settings under Customize > My Account and selected the radio box selection for SSL as well as no SSL. In both of those cases, I left the port field empty as well as added the port number for 465 and 587 and I wasn't able to send a test e-mail.
Can you please check your e-mail settings for me?

- Joined on 12-02-2011
- Posts 11
Hi Ronen,
Bad news. The test email was sent and received properly. However, my test sending you an email failed again, with the same error message. 