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Multiple Emails

Last post 02-24-2012 12:23 PM by Anonymous. 16 replies.
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  • 02-24-2012 10:22 AM In reply to

    Re: Multiple Emails

    Hi lvharris, 

    Can you please e-mail me at the e-mail settings which are working for you? Are you setting up the default e-mail settings for your entire account, or are you setting the e-mail settings for each individual user?

    When I logged in, I only noticed that the default e-mail settings were set but not for each individual user. 


  • 02-24-2012 12:23 PM In reply to

    Re: Multiple Emails

    Hi lvharris, 

    I have great news. When I logged into your account with the MethodSupport username, when I entered your full e-mail address in the Email User Name field for the default e-mail settings, I was able to successfully test sending a single e-mail to myself within an activity. 

    I also send you a test e-mail for the activity within your account. Can you please confirm that you have received this e-mail. 


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