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Contacts, using the Go to: link on a customer

Last post 03-16-2012 7:49 PM by Method_Paul. 3 replies.
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  • 03-14-2012 10:08 AM

    Contacts, using the Go to: link on a customer


    For some reason, my go to link on the customers page is broken. Valbon Shaboni looked into it, and said that it should work, everything was there, but it isn't working. The only thing I've done is rename the customers tab to students. It's possible I broke something, but I'm unsure as to how I broke it.


  • 03-14-2012 9:47 PM In reply to

    Re: Contacts, using the Go to: link on a customer


    hycari - For now, can you rename the tab link back to "Edit Customer"?  The name is hardcoded, so when you rename it, you need to go into all the actions that reference the tab link, and customize the changes.


    You can do this, as many others have, but that's obviously a lot of work, and it really shouldn't be that hard. We need to make this easier for you. 

    I checked with the developers and they have a solution to this in the works.  It'll make it to the next big update to Method, but that's likely 3 weeks from going live.  So for now, life is easier if you just rename it back to Edit Customer. Then, after the next big update, you can make it "Students" and everything should just work.

    Sound good?



  • 03-16-2012 5:34 PM In reply to

    Re: Contacts, using the Go to: link on a customer

    Just passing through, but can I just say that solution would be a HUGE improvement for customization. While having to go through all the action lists to make changes is a great learning experience, it's also a painful one!

    Out of curiousity, does the solution entail having Method automatically change an object name in all actions on a screen, or would we no longer reference objects by their name, but by some unique ID (sort of like RecordID vs refnumbers)?

  • 03-16-2012 7:49 PM In reply to

    Re: Contacts, using the Go to: link on a customer

    @smohyee - it's a little more complicated than that, but along the lines of what you are thinking with the RecordID.  The problem we face is that screens are shared and copied between accounts, so the RecordIDs change from account to account.  So we applied a universal ID algorithm to it.  To really explain it, I would really have to geek it hopefully what I said is informative enough :).


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