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Receive Payments screen ??'s

Last post 03-20-2012 8:31 AM by Method_Michael. 4 replies.
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  • 03-16-2012 2:59 PM

    Receive Payments screen ??'s


    I currently have a program which integrates wtih Quickbooks and allows me to accept credit card payments within my QB interface ... it is pretty basic but it allows me to use the card info. on file, see the outstanding balance and charge the card and update the account without any additional data entry.

    I am now thinking I don't need this program as it looks like I can achieve the same results through the Recieve Payments screen within Method ... is that how that screen is intended to be used?  I am setting up a payment gateway for my customer portal, ect. so am thinking I can now cancel this other service and just send everything through the gateway.  Will it automatically update QB with the payments, etc.?

    Can someone just confirm that I'm headed in the right direction before I go and cancel the other service and remove the program.



  • 03-16-2012 4:52 PM In reply to

    Re: Receive Payments screen ??'s


    Method employees will be able to give you a better answer, but as to the "receive payment" screen in Method, my understanding is that by default it directly corresponds to the recieve payment window in QB. Since that window serves only as an internal bookkeeping function (unless you also pay for the Intuit payment gateway which can be accessed directly from that window in QB), it should synch no problem with Method. So if you use the recieve payment window in Method against an Invoice, then when you open that Invoice in QB it will show it marked as paid, and you will be able to see all the info you had entered in Method.

    Both Method and QB by default have a section that stores CC information for a given customer, once you enter it in the "recieve payment" window. (In QB, if you go to Edit Customer from the Customer Center, there's a "Payment Info" tab that contains that info). If Method doesn't already automatically stick that info into a new "receive payments" window for the same customer, then you could certainly customize it to do so.

    Even better, if you're setting up your Method customer portal so your customers can enter their CC info directly, then Method can be customized to automatically put that info into the right tables after processing the payment, doing the same thing as if you had entered the info manually yourself.


  • 03-19-2012 8:37 AM In reply to

    Re: Receive Payments screen ??'s


    Sam's info is pretty accurate I just want to add a couple of extra details.

    -You can receive the payment through Method like you do QB but to actually process them with a gateway you would still have to be signed up with a gateway as Method doesn't have its own payment gateway.

    -Credit card info can be entered into Method but once that info gets synced to QuickBooks for security reasons QuickBooks only returns that Expiration date and the masked credit card number except for the last 4 digits, which means if you try to use the CC info directly from Method it won't work.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 03-19-2012 10:42 AM In reply to

    Re: Receive Payments screen ??'s

     Thanks Michael,

    The gateway part I'm fine with as I will be setting up a gateway within Method.

    As far as charging the credit cards ... are you saying I would need to type the credit card number in each time within Method even though it is in QB?  That could be a little combersome.  Is there anyway around this? 

    Thanks again,


  • 03-20-2012 8:31 AM In reply to

    Re: Receive Payments screen ??'s


    The only way around this would be to store the CC info in Method custom fields outside the standard QuickBooks fields, however I do want to point out that this data would not sync to QB, and for security reasons you would want to use Method actions to Encrypt the CC info before saving and then decrypt it as needed.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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