CF_Pro asked how to create a single sign on link to a portal from his website. I answered the question here:
But for the API portion of the question, I wanted to move the conversation to the API forum. Here's my response.
For the tab link name, it should be tab link you want them to be taken to in the portal when they first sign in. Here's how I got it to work for me:
CompanyAccount: My Company Account
Login: MyUserName
Password: MyPassword
DomainLinkOrMIurl: miurl
TabName: Contacts Portal
(Admittedly redunant in the case of portals, but it's the tab that portals use.)
TabLinkName: Home
(The tab link users should see when they first sign in.)
RecordID: 10 The active record id to set for the screen of the TabLinkName.
isPortal: True
PortalName: Contacts_Portal
PortalEntityRecordID: 78
(The RecordID of the customer (not contact) who this link will be given to to sign in.)