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Set reminder for estimates etc....

Last post 04-16-2012 11:44 AM by Method_Ted. 1 replies.
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  • 04-16-2012 7:12 AM

    • marc
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    • Joined on 04-14-2012
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    Set reminder for estimates etc....

     Hi Folks

    Our intention is to use Method mainly as a pure CRM and estimate/quotation chasing and managment tool.

    Just a couple of questions,

    1. What is the easiest way of setting a reminder to call back a customer and allocating to a user - i was expecting to be able to right click or ser within estimate.
    2. Our existing quickbook "reps" will be using Method to chase up exising  quotes/estimates is there way of setting up so all quottes for "MB" rep in QB go to (are allocated to) "MB" user in method etc....?



  • 04-16-2012 11:44 AM In reply to

    Re: Set reminder for estimates etc....


    Mark – Welcome to our forums

    1. What is the easiest way of setting a reminder to call back a customer and allocating to a user - i was expecting to be able to right click or ser within estimate.

    The easiest way to set up a reminder to call back a customer is an option with our Activity Screen called Schedule a Follow-up. Once the option is selected, a new Section will appear with the appropriate follow up parameters. You will complete the section with the desired information.

    Creating a follow up from an estimate in Method involves creating an Opportunity and linking the estimate to it. From this Opportunity, a follow up can be scheduled in the New / Edit Activity screen

    Once a follow up has been scheduled, it will come up in your daily list of Activities when it is due. The activity will remain on your list until completed or re-assigned. 

    By default, an email will be sent to the Method user approximately 15 minutes before the scheduled activity. This option can be edited (sending an SMS is also an option) within Step 3 (of 10 : Notifications and Reminders) of Customize > User, in your Method Account 

    One last comment, Method has the ability to customize an Activity Type that will automatically create a follow up once it has been saved. You will find this function with the New /Edit Activity Types Screen.

    2. Our existing quickbook "reps" will be using Method to chase up exising  quotes/estimates is there way of setting up so all quottes for "MB" rep in QB go to (are allocated to) "MB" user in method etc....?

    Once your users are set up in Method, they will have the ability to add/edit estimates that sync back and forth between Method and QuickBook. It’s strongly recommended that you create the relationship between your Method Users and their perspective QuickBook Entity if it makes sense to do this. The selection in Step 1 (of 10 : General Properties)  > Link to Employee / Vendor / OtherName (SalesRep) must contain the appropriate user.

    Ted Le
    Customization Solution Specialist
    Method Integration
    Local: 416.847.0400
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Fax: 416.640.6027
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