I'm getting lost here. I'm putting a button on a NEW CALL REPORT SCREEN to assign the next call number (Keep in mind my Call# is CR 12 - xxxx, not just a number) If I can get it to work, I'll move the actions to "when page loads".
1. Assign Value to Action Result - Assign Result Name to Value from Screen CallReportGrid: Call# (Not sure how it knows it's the lowest call?)
2. Start Loop thru Grid - Look @ Call Report Grid / All Rows; show only CallNo; where... CallNo = Action result "lastcall#" from above
Method_Ted:If the value from row > Result then change the Result to that value
No Idea how to do this.
Not sure if I'm even on the right track...
Am I supposed to do this from the last Call Report? how does it save the info for the next one?
I think if I got this far I could add 1 to the result but I'm not sure about that 100%.
Is there something on the Default screens that could point me in the right direction?