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Unexpected error Message

Last post 05-09-2012 4:12 PM by Rolf. 3 replies.
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  • 05-08-2012 11:22 PM

    • Rolf
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 09-18-2011
    • Posts 109

    Unexpected error Message

    After making a minor change to my custom Edit Customer screen, I am now getting cryptic error messages when I try to open the screen from the Customer list.  The screen loads but does not populate with any customer or contact data, and I get the message:



    An Unexpected Error Occurred. Please reload the screen and try again. If this issue persists please contact your administrator.


    or the message



    An unexpected Error Occurred. In order to stop information from being saved/entered incorrectly, we reccommend refreshing your browser. 

    If you have any other active screens open, please save them beforehand to prevent data loss.


                                                                                                  (Refresh Page) button



    I've tried the usual reloads, restarts, different browsers, different users, computer restart, and all give the same result. I've also opened and resaved the Customer, Contacts, and Entity tables, with no problems.


    I'm at a loss as to how to proceed with this, and any help would be appreciated.





  • 05-09-2012 1:06 PM In reply to

    • Rolf
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    Re: Unexpected error Message

    Since last posting I've tried the following to debug this problem:

    Changed the Customer>Edit Customer tab link to a different Edit Customer screen.  That screen works properly.

    Copied the problem Edit Customer screen and linked to the copy.   The same error occurs.

    Inserted a 'Stop processing more actions'  command as the first entry of the 'On Screen Load' action sequence.  The problem is still there.


  • 05-09-2012 1:59 PM In reply to

    • Rolf
    • Top 50 Contributor
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    Re: Unexpected error Message

    IFurther testing has revealed that although the screen fields are not populated, the grids contained on the screen all show the 'Loading grid...' message.  If I hit the grid refresh symbol, then the grid refreshes with the correct information for the chosen customer.  i.e.  Going to the Contacts tab and refresing the unloaded grid will bring up the correct contacts.





  • 05-09-2012 4:12 PM In reply to

    • Rolf
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 09-18-2011
    • Posts 109

    Re: Unexpected error Message


    Additional info to help in debugging:   Hitting the refresh button (which resets the screen active record ID)  casues the screen to populate and things appeared  to work correctly. Therefore, I inserted a Refresh as the first line of the ONScreenLoad, and then when selecting a customer in the contacts list, the Edit Customer screen would load, display the same error message window, and then populate the screen.

    I subsequently changed the "Go to" link commands in the Contacts grid on the Customers and Contacts list to go to the Edit Customer tab with the screen relation set to none, and passed the EntityRecordID via a shared action result.    This worked and loaded the screen, but again I still get the error message window.     


    There's clearly a bug here that needs your attention, and I am hoping for a quick resolution to a very annoying problem,


    thanks again,





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