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Customer Contact Type

Last post 11-26-2012 3:40 PM by Method_Adam. 3 replies.
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  • 05-09-2012 9:14 AM

    Customer Contact Type

    When you add a contact there is a field Contact Type that seems to be automatically generated by Method.  Sometimes the field is populated by Method and sometimes it isn't.  What is this field for?

    Is there a field in contacts where we can identify the affiliation of the contact to the customer?  i.e. spouse, employee, neighbor, etc?

  • 05-09-2012 1:54 PM In reply to

    Re: Customer Contact Type


    What is this field for?

    Contact Type is defined by QuickBooks and is not something we set.  It can either be Contact, AltContact or Empty.  When Empty it's a Method only contact, when either Contact or AltContact it means they live inside both Method and Quickbooks.

    Is there a field in contacts where we can identify the affiliation of the contact to the customer?  i.e. spouse, employee, neighbor, etc?

    Not by default but you can edit the Customer table to add in an affiliation field

    Hopes this helps.



  • 11-26-2012 12:22 PM In reply to

    Re: Customer Contact Type

    Is there a way to change a contact's Contact Type? We often have first contact with someone other than the person we will eventually bill for services, but the first contact ends up going in as the primary contact for the new lead. Then later on we will have to change it to the person we actually send the bill to, which will cause problems because now all the activities assigned to the first person are now assigned to the billing contact. Right now a workaround is to enter a generic contact as the primary contact and then enter the person we actually met as a secondary contact. Then we can rename the primary contact with no consequences. This works, but sometimes people forget to do it. So it would be great if we could change Contact Type. 

  • 11-26-2012 3:40 PM In reply to

    Re: Customer Contact Type


    There is no way in Method to change a contact type.  This is a Quickbooks field that is set by Quickbooks.  I don't know of any way to re-assign a main contact in Method.  Your workaround might be the best option.  Another workaround would be to add a contact with the exact same info as the original contact/lead.  All previous activities will still have the exisiting contact info associated with it.  You can then change the main contact to the billing contact.  If you do this, the change will be reflected in existing invoices, estimates, etc.  

    I will ask around to see if re-assigning the main contact is in the pipeline for a future version and update this thread.

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
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