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GRID FILTERING using VIEW NAME automatic filtering

Last post 05-25-2012 12:55 PM by Anonymous. 2 replies.
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  • 05-24-2012 5:54 PM

    GRID FILTERING using VIEW NAME automatic filtering

    I'm not sure if that's what I need to use or not but I have a CUSTOMER screen based on the CUSTOMER TABLE.  I have a GRID with select and the customer name so I can choose a customer and see all their info (name, acct#, address, contact info, etc.)

    I also have another GRID on the screen that referrs to a "SURGEON CONTACT INFO" table.  I created a table that contains Surgeon's Name, Cell, Email and linked it to the Customer Table.  (Our customers are practices and each have multiple surgeons)

    What I'm trying to see is if I can create a VIEW or FILTER or SEARCH function so that if we don't know what the Practice Name (Customer) is then we can look up the Practice by the Surgeon Name.

    I tried to add it to the TOP GRID but I didn't have a choice for something from the other table. (the surgeon names aren't in the CUSTOMER TABLE)

    I was trying to add a VIEW NAME under automatic filtering but it doesn't seem to do anything or have any instructions and I don't know if that will referrence the other table either.

    I'd like the action to remain on the current CUSTOMER SCREEN so they can go about their normal business but if they need to find a SURGEON by name they can enter it and it will sort to the PRACTICE (CUSTOMER) NAME that the Surgeon is related too.  That way they can SELECT the CUSTOMER and see all the SURGEON info.




    Thank you,
  • 05-24-2012 9:04 PM In reply to

    Re: GRID FILTERING using VIEW NAME automatic filtering


    Hi Wavetec - I'm an advanced certified Method consultant and provide an extensive amount of support and customization services for many clients using Method.  In similar customization projects, we've added an additional selection grid on the left of the screen to accomplish this.  It sounds like you've already added the grid to your screen, but that grid may only be showing surgeons that are related to the selected customer.

    Specifically, you'd add another unattached grid based on your Surgeon Contact Info table with two columns: Surgeon Name, and Practice Name.  This grid could be used to search (filter) for surgeon names, but then would have the Practice (customer) name right next to it.  You can then make the Practice name column in the grid linkable and when clicked, it would also set the active record for the screen based on the Practice (customer).

    Let me know if you need any help in programming this or if I can help with more complex customization projects in the future...

    ​Selwyn van Rooyen | 321.800.8410
    Advanced Certified Method Consultant
  • 05-25-2012 12:55 PM In reply to

    Re: GRID FILTERING using VIEW NAME automatic filtering

    Great solution here!


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