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New Campaign - New form needed

Last post 06-05-2012 3:26 PM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 06-04-2012 11:47 AM

    New Campaign - New form needed

    We are moving into the Medical Alert market. there is a form that the coach gave us to have in front of us to complete while on the phone with the customer. this information is 90% in quickbooks.  I know I can use the fields in the CRM area and make most of the form online so it can be entered only once and there wont be hand writing issues.  Can I add fields that are needed for the central station but we don't need here and are not part of quickbooks? And - can that completed form be printed to PDF so I can 'attach' it to that customer record in QB as well as e-mail it to the central station?

    WHEW! a lot i know but it would working so much smarter and not harder if this could work.



    It's me :)
  • 06-05-2012 3:26 PM In reply to

    Re: New Campaign - New form needed


    Can I add fields that are needed for the central station but we don't need here and are not part of quickbooks? And - can that completed form be printed to PDF so I can 'attach' it to that customer record in QB as well as e-mail it to the central station?

    Absolutely.  This is the beauty of Method CRM, you're able to collect data QuickBooks can't and keep it with the customer (inside our database).  Printing the data to a PDF to attach to an email can be covered with a few simple functions, Generate Report followed by a Send Email action.  These functions and more are covered in our webinars (Intro to Actions - Level 2 has the generate report coverage).  Please post back if you have any other questions.


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