I've successfully added another column for my Addresses. I needed the SQL override for this column since it conatined multiple items (Address, City, State, and Zip), and it's working just fine. Here's the script I used to that:
SQL script:
ISNULL(viewContacts.BillAddressAddr3,'') + '<br />' + ISNULL(viewContacts.BillAddressCity,'') + ', ' + ISNULL(viewContacts.BillAddressState,'') + ' ' + ISNULL(viewContacts.BillAddressPostalCode,'')
Filter Field(s):
BillAddressAddr3, BillAddressCity, BillAddressState, BillAddressPostalCode
I did this becuase it's what I found for the first two columns of multiple data.
I tried adding "Note", which is a dropdown field option, but it's not the same as "Notes", what I see and use in my Edit Lead screen. It shows nothing, whereas when I added "Notes" to my Edit Lead screen, it did just what I wanted it to (show the same notes as it does when you select More Actions). Since it didn't work without SQL, I tried using SQL. Didn't work, either. I'm assuming that the "Notes" field I'm looking for does not exist in the Contacts table, but instead in the Customer table? If that's the case, how would I get this field to show up on my custom Lead List?