I am trying to call the CreateMethodAccountV3 and have a couple of questions after testing it out.
The first time I tested the call, the response was :<?xml version="1.0"
encoding="windows-1252" ?><MethodAPI response = "Failure.
The API could not validate your log in.
Please make sure you have entered the correct Company Account, User and
Password, and that each are spelt correctly.
Also, ensure that this User has been configured for Method API access by
going to Customize > Users, editing the User, and ensuring that there is a
check in the 'Is Allowed to Connect via MethodAPI' checkbox.">
Why would I be getting this response? I've seen this response when trying to connect to an existing account that doesn't have API access granted but I'm not sure why I would get it when creating an account.
In my MSP portal, it shows that the account was created, but when I try to login using the login info I passed it says it does not match up. I did use a space in the account name. On the second try I used no space in the account name and it seemed to work fine. Can you please confirm that spaces are not allowed in the company account name?
On the second try, as I just mentioned everything seems to have worked correctly, but the response was: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?><MethodAPI response = "" ></MethodAPI>
I was expecting to see <MethodAPI response = "Success" >. Should I not see "Success"?
Matt Raiser

~ Method user / partner since 2008
~ Over 15 years field service experience
~ 2013 Method Partner of the Year
~ Degree in Computer Science

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