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Large Documents/Videos

Last post 08-17-2012 10:24 AM by Anonymous. 4 replies.
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  • 08-17-2012 7:25 AM

    Large Documents/Videos

    What is the preferred way to use large documents/videos with Method in-field?

    The preferred use would be for a sales rep to launch/show promotional material to customers/leads from within Method. This is paramount not only because we want centralized document storage/linkage, but also because I believe that when launching documents from a centralized source outside of Method on an iPad, this closes the browser and requires a re-login to Method. Ideally we'd like to run videos/presentations in-field without having Method close.

  • 08-17-2012 9:47 AM In reply to

    Re: Large Documents/Videos

    Oops - I was under the impression that using other apps (ie. to launch or view documents) and then going back to Safari meant that the user would be logged out, but that's not the case. Safari is just minimized and when it's re-opened, it goes back to the page, logged in.

  • 08-17-2012 9:58 AM In reply to

    Re: Large Documents/Videos


    What is the preferred way to use large documents/videos with Method in-field?

    How large are your files? Anything over 5MB will not work with Method's storage library as we have a cap on individual uploads at 5MB (and 500MB total storage on the server).

    Videos can be large so if they're over 5MB you can use the SmartVault Inbox. SV allows individual document sizes up to 2GB through their software and you can integrate SV directly with Method.


  • 08-17-2012 10:08 AM In reply to

    Re: Large Documents/Videos

    Thanks, I thought so. I can't seem to find SmartVault pricing on this site. Can you please direct me to it?


  • 08-17-2012 10:24 AM In reply to

    Re: Large Documents/Videos


    Can you please direct me to it?

    SmartVault pricing is located on their site here.


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