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Job #'s

Last post 09-13-2012 4:47 PM by Anonymous. 20 replies.
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  • 09-06-2012 11:28 AM

    Job #'s

    We usually have many jobs under each company, we work with. In order to identify each job, we create a job # for each individual job within each company. Is there a way to customize, so that Method generates it's own particular job# when a new job is entered under a customer?

  • 09-06-2012 12:26 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s


    Is there a way to customize, so that Method generates it's own particular job# when a new job is entered under a customer?

    If you don't care what number they are given then you can simply use a field like RecordID from the customer table since this field will never duplicate.  

    If you want to automatically have Method add in the number (and increment) the customization would be a little different.  You would have to add a field to the customer table for jobnumber.  Every time you add a new customer you would have to Retrieve Value From Table for the last record, get the RecordID and increment it using the Basic Math Calculation.  The problem with this scenario is that if you added the customer:job in QuickBooks then your jobnumber field would be blank on sync.  One of your main screens should have a process to see if there are any blank jobnumbers in the customer table - if so then you'll need add them.  I recommend going with using a field that already exists since the customization on your end would be mininal.  

    Let me know if you need further clarification or help on this.


  • 09-06-2012 12:56 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    Will both choices also reflect in Quickbooks through Method. For example if I sign into quickbooks only, will the job#'s that Method assigned to the new jobs also reflect in Quickbooks. and if I select the simpler customization (option 1) is there a way to include the prior job Number,s that we created for jobs already opened, in this field everything is uniform?

  • 09-06-2012 1:44 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s



    This is actually better handled through custom fields in QuickBooks.  Open any customer for editing the click into the Additional Info tab - there's section on the right hand side that says custom fields.  Click the define fields button and you'll get a popup to enter more information.  Call the field whatever you like, jobnumber in my instance, and make sure you select use for: Cust and the kind of data can be anything you like (I've used number to make it simple).  After you've defined this field open the sync engine and click Synchronize > Full Synchronization.

    Once the sync finishes open Method and have a look at Customize > Tables/Fields and open the Customer table.  Your custom field is brought over and can now be used on any screen.  This field will sync in real-time just as any other field would so updates in Method or QuickBooks will reflect the changes.


  • 09-06-2012 10:14 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    Only the new customer job entries will have the Method assigned job #. I need the current job numbers that we created, for all our past and current jobs, to remain assigned, as is,and not change. We want to start the Method job# creation as of the day customization is complete, and use it only for the new customers from here on. All previous info remains the same . All this to integrate with Quickbooks. This way I can see the job numbers assigned when I am in Quickbooks only. Just wanted to verify. Will the custom fields in Quickbooks work for this particular customization or should I go with the original option 1 you mentioned. I created the defined field in quickbooks but before I perform a full sync, just wanted to confirm.

  • 09-07-2012 1:50 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    I think the best solution for you here is to utilize the RecordID from the customer table as the jobnumber.  You're guaranteed that:

    1. All numbers will be unique;
    2. Your customization will be minimal.

    I just made the customization on my end and tested this to be working.  Make sure you add the custom field in QuickBooks and sync this over so the field is available to the customer table (it's important that you do not change the custom field name after you build in the customization).  Here's what I added to my custom CRM_EditCustomer screen under the Advanced button, step 2: OnScreenLoad actions.

    1. Add a Retrieve Value From Table action with the following info:
       - from Table: Customer
       - from Field: RecordID
       - where Field: RecordID
       - value is: Value from Session: Current- Screen Active RecordID
      place value in: Action Result: jobnumber
    2. Add an Update Field In Table with the following:
       - update table: Customer
       - update field: jobnumber
       - value from: Action Result: jobnumber
      - where the Field: RecordID = Value From Session: Current- Screen Active RecordID

    These actions will execute every time you open the edit customer screen and will check to see if the jobnumber field has anything or not - if nothing then it'll update that field with the RecordID for the customer record.  It seems like you'll be using the edit customer page to update the job status as progress is complete so I thought this would be the best screen to add these actions to.  Please post back if you have any questions/concerns on this.

  • 09-07-2012 2:50 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    I did the customization under the new customer screen2 because the all my curerent customers in the edit customer screen2 already have job#'s, I have assigned previously and I do not want to change them. In the new customer screen, I followed all the steps and put the job number box where I need it (by the customer name. However, I am receiving an error message:

    Field 'JobNumber' cannot be udated in table.

    Additional Information

    Action Sequence Order: 12

    I checked my work. Any reason why this error is popping up?

  • 09-07-2012 3:53 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    Any reason why this error is popping up?

    Yes.  The new customer screen won't have an active RecordID yet - let me just re-work this solution for the new customer screen and I'll post again.

    Also the solution I posted checks to see if jobnumber is empty or not - so if your customer already has the jobnumber field populated then it would not update their record.


  • 09-07-2012 5:02 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    This solution is a little different but should work fine for you... On your CRM_NewCustomer screen:

    1. In the column to the right of the Customer Name field drag out your custom jobnumber field then click Edit on that field.
    2. On step 1 click Advanced Options then check Read Only and click Finish.
    3. Next drag our a button object and put it on the next row below the jobnumber field and click Edit.
    4. On step 1 give the button a caption of insertJobNumber and click Next.
    5. Click the ... next to the Event dropdown and rename the event to insertJobNumber then click Finish.
    6. Select the action Retrieve Value From Table with the following options:
       - from table: Customer
       - from field: RecordID
       - where field: PortalUserName
       - value is: Type In (then leave the input blank here - we want empty portalusernames)
       - if multiple results: Retrieve Last (this is important!)
       - place value in: Action Result with the name lastRecordID
       - click save & close
    7. Next action is a Basic Math Calculation with the options:
       - first value: action result: lastRecordID
       - equation: +
       - second value: Type In: 1
       - no rounding, no decimal places
       - action result name: lastRecordID
       - click save & close
    8. Then add an Enter Value Into Field On Screen action with these options: 
       - update field: jobnumber
       - with: action result: lastRecordID 
       - click save & close.
    9. Click Finish.
    10. Then beside the screen name in the designer click Advanced.
    11. Click next to step 2 and add an action called Call Another Action Set - in the dropdown here select the action New Customer Information >> insertJobNumber
    12. Click save & close.
    13. Click Finish.
    14. Then on the Buttons section click Show and edit the actions for the button save & new.
    15. On step 2 of this button add the Call Another Action Set action with insertJobNumber.
    16. Click Finish.
    17. Click Hide on the buttons section.
    18. Click Save & Close on this screen.

    The action's above look through the customer table for empty portalusernames (none of your new customers will have this field populated yet) to get the very last customer RecordID.  We then add one and enter it into the jobnumber field so it saves with this record.  

    Please let me know if you have any questions on this.


  • 09-11-2012 6:32 AM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    This worked very nicely. One thing I need to do now is my Customers and Contacts are all entered in the new customer screen and I realized that my contacts will also have assigned job numbers. I created a box with a check mark that asks is this a job? and if it's checked, that is when the job number should be created. If left unchecked there should not be a job number assigned. Any advice how to create these actions?

  • 09-11-2012 6:41 AM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    I also wanted to ask about the insert job number button that is underneath the insert job number box. What is the purpose of this button? Was it only created to customize the action of generating the job number in the read only area box or does this button give me the option of creating the job number when clicked and when not clicked no job number is assigned? Which may help with my previous question. If it doesnt provide these options and it is generating the number automatically when the button is clicked or not clicked, I would probably want to hide it from the screen if it is was only created for the customization requirement.

  • 09-11-2012 4:44 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    I just wanted to let you know that normally we don't go into this much detail in terms of actions and exact step by step solutions via the forums.  I can point you in the right direction but if you needed step by step help with specific actions then you may want to consider hiring a consultant.  Our consultants can provide you with better training and direction with respect to the customization you're working on.  Consulting fees are billed in 1/2 hour increments and can cover training and/or customization while on the session.

    Any advice how to create these actions?

    Yes - using the knowledge from my previous examples you'll want put the event action set that adds a job number into the new is this is job checkbox.  The button we made already has the actions built so you just need to remove the call another action set we added to the OnScreenLoad under advanced (step 10 - 13 above).  Next add the call another action set action to the OnTextChange event for your new checkbox.


  • 09-11-2012 4:56 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s


    I also wanted to ask about the insert job number button that is underneath the insert job number box.  What is the purpose of this button?

    Good question and I apologize for not giving a better explanation on why I had you do this.  What I did with that button is isolated my set of actions that create the job number.  I did this because things will change over time and if you burried 10 actions into the OnScreenLoad event you might get confused if something breaks.  Isolating your actions set's into events by using a button like this makes it easy to re-use, fix or problem solve new additions to screens.  Since it's likely you may call this event more than once on a page it's a good idea to use this trick.

    I would probably want to hide it from the screen if it is was only created for the customization requirement.

    I made a mistake when having you add this button - I should have include a step to hide this button from view.  The customer should never see a button like this as we're just using it to store a set of actions used elsewhere.  If you click edit on this button then click advanced options, click the checkbox for Hidden.  This will hide the button from view but keep it part of your screen.


  • 09-12-2012 2:30 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    Thanks so much I set up the action set looks on the check box and it looks like it is working after check box is checked. The other issue now is, when I go to the edit customer screen the job number that was created in the new customer screen, is not there. Any way to have the job # information automaticially transferred from the new customer screen to the edit custumer screen so we can see what job number has been assigned after the new customer is saved?

  • 09-12-2012 2:43 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    I am noticing that not all the job numbers assigned in Method are corresponding with the custom field job number in Quickbooks. Any reason why this may be happening?

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