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Job #'s

Last post 09-13-2012 4:47 PM by Anonymous. 20 replies.
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  • 09-12-2012 3:43 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    Another thing I noticed is that even when I correct the job numbers that do not correspond to the custom field in Quickbooks they eventually change to other job #'s in Method after the screen reloads a few times all my customers get assigned different job numbers in Method which is a serious issue because this is how we track our customers. I also noticed that our Contacts also get job numbers assigned which is something that needs correcting as well.

  • 09-13-2012 2:15 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    Any way to have the job # information automaticially transferred from the new customer screen to the edit custumer screen so we can see what job number has been assigned after the new customer is saved?

    Since you have this field already added in the customer table all you need to do is drag the job number field out on the CRM_EditCustomer screen.  I would consider making this field read only just in case - you don't want people changing this on you.


  • 09-13-2012 2:16 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    Any reason why this may be happening?

    It's possible you just need to wait for the information to sync over.  If you're seeing a problem after a full sync then you'll want to review the actions on the screens.  We walked through a fair amount of customization so it's possible you have actions no longer needed that need to be removed (or changed).


  • 09-13-2012 2:21 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    Another thing I noticed is that even when I correct the job numbers that do not correspond to the custom field in Quickbooks they eventually change to other job #'s in Method after the screen reloads a few times

    I suspect this is realted to my other reply - we tried a few ways to get this done for you so I think you have some actions on the edit customer screen which need to be removed.  What you can do is start from a fresh copy of the NewCustomer and EditCustomer pages and then re-do the customization so you have a better handle on all the actions you're adding.  

    We've got a very powerful feature when building actions called copy action.  Instead of the usual add action, click copy action then from the action menu select Show all accessible controls in account.  This will allow you to copy actions from one screen to another.  


  • 09-13-2012 3:21 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    The reason why this error was occuring with the job #'s changing, is the main computer that is used for the real time syncing was off and quickbooks was not running. We set it up so that it is running at all times but the important question is if this main sync computer is turned off for some reason and Method cannot access the job numbers from the custom field I created in Quickbooks will all my already assigned job numbers populate & change into new numbers like they did previously. It is very important that the current job numbers remain as is even when working only in Method and that main computer/Quickbooks is turned off.

    I understand that if the computer is off the New customer job #'s will sync when it turns back on but I need Method to keep a record of the current assigned job numbers in the job number field.

  • 09-13-2012 4:47 PM In reply to

    Re: Job #'s

    if this computer is turned off for some reason and Method cannot access the job numbers from the custom field I created in Quickbooks will all my already assigned job numbers main sync populate & change into new numbers like they did previously.

    The way we built your actions, Method is the one populating that field.  So if the main computer is off when you're creating the job numbers - this information will sync but only when the computer is turned back on and a full sync has finished.  If you ever have data problems where Method or QuickBooks is different you'll want to look at 2 places:

    1. Click QuickBooks > Synchronize and make sure your full sync time is up to date (if not, run it)
    2. Click QuickBooks > Resolve Conflicts.


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