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gain/lose focus

Last post 09-16-2012 8:00 PM by kdellaripa. 2 replies.
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  • 09-16-2012 1:17 PM

    gain/lose focus

    Can someone please explain to me what gain/lose focus does and how you would use it?  I can't find it in any documentation, and don't get good results when I search it in the help center.


    Karen Dellaripa

  • 09-16-2012 5:14 PM In reply to

    • Rolf
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 09-18-2011
    • Posts 109

    Re: gain/lose focus


    Gaining and losing focus refers to the selection and unselection of a field. When you select a field by clicking on it or tabbing to it, any actions listed in the Gain Focus event are executed.  When you leave the field any actions in the Lose Focus event are executed.  Also, if you have actions in both Lose Focus and Text Change, both sets will be executed.

    hope that helps,


  • 09-16-2012 8:00 PM In reply to

    Re: gain/lose focus


    Thanks Rolf!  I think I understand it now.  Appreciate your taking time out of your Sunday afternoon to answer my question :)

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