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Dropdown field tabbing problem

Last post 09-21-2012 8:37 AM by Anonymous. 4 replies.
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  • 09-18-2012 4:44 PM

    • Rolf
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 09-18-2011
    • Posts 109

    Dropdown field tabbing problem

    I'm having a problem with dropdown tabbing which may have just occured since the September load, although I'm not sure about that.  I only mention this because they were some logic changes in the new load which have caused me considerable grief to find and correct, so this may be one of those as well.

    Here's the issue.  We have people who like to type and tab between fields, as opposed to mousing and clicking.

    If you tab or click-off of a dropdown field where you previously made no change, or made a change by clicking on the arrow and clicking on a dropdown choice, then the next field in the tab order is selected and highlighted, which is what one would suspect.

    If however, you type all or part of a valid choice in the field and tab out, Method highlights the next field and then immediatley jumps back to the dropdown field. If you type in an invalid choice and tab out, it stays at the next field.

    Besides being an annoyance, this is a real problem for me because I have situations  where the next field after a dropdown has actions triggered on a loss of focus, and this problem causes those actions to execute. Without a resolution to this, we cannot type into those dropdown fields.



  • 09-19-2012 9:11 AM In reply to

    Re: Dropdown field tabbing problem

    Besides being an annoyance, this is a real problem for me because I have situations  where the next field after a dropdown has actions triggered on a loss of focu

    I was able to recreate this behaviour and have submitted a ticket to my team here.  As soon as I have an update I'll post up on this thread.  Thanks for bringing this to our attention.


  • 09-19-2012 4:49 PM In reply to

    Re: Dropdown field tabbing problem


    Good news Rolf - this issue has been resolved and is now live.  Don't forget to log out/in to see the changes.


  • 09-20-2012 3:31 PM In reply to

    • Rolf
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 09-18-2011
    • Posts 109

    Re: Dropdown field tabbing problem

    Hi Chad,

    I just checked on this and it is indeed working properly.  Great job on getting it resolved so quickly.



    PS Is this the right forum for posting these types of issues?

  • 09-21-2012 8:37 AM In reply to

    Re: Dropdown field tabbing problem


    Glad to hear this is working for you!

    Is this the right forum for posting these types of issues?

    Yes definitely!  Also I appreciate the detail in your posts as it helps me to recreate the issue.


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