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not able to attach document to customer

Last post 09-21-2012 1:46 PM by Anonymous. 10 replies.
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  • 09-21-2012 9:14 AM

    • WQA
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    not able to attach document to customer

    I am trying to attach documents to 2 differefnt customers and keep getting the error that the customer is already in quickbooks and I must change the name. All other customers working fine for this. 

  • 09-21-2012 9:45 AM In reply to

    Re: not able to attach document to customer

    I am trying to attach documents to 2 differefnt customers and keep getting the error that the customer is already in quickbooks and I must change the name. All other customers working fine for this. 

    Hi WQA

    The error message sounds strange here, when you attach a document to a customer you're getting an error that this customer is already in QuickBooks?  This process isn't creating a new customer so I'd like to figure out what steps you're taking here.  Can you walk through exactly which screens/buttons you're clicking to add a document?  Also are you using QuickBooks Online or Desktop?


  • 09-21-2012 9:57 AM In reply to

    • WQA
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    Re: not able to attach document to customer

    Sure thing. Starting in the customer tab, selecting customer then clicking on the documents tab within the customer screen. When I click the document button (gray on in botom right) I select to attach a new document. The yellow error message appears at the top. I know this makes no sense here...baffled

  • 09-21-2012 9:58 AM In reply to

    • WQA
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    Re: not able to attach document to customer

    oh, and its QB online

  • 09-21-2012 10:21 AM In reply to

    Re: not able to attach document to customer

    Is this customer one of the ones you need to merge from your other post?  If so I'd ask that you try the merge before trying this again.


  • 09-21-2012 10:36 AM In reply to

    • WQA
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    Re: not able to attach document to customer

    no, its not on of the same ones. 

  • 09-21-2012 12:08 PM In reply to

    Re: not able to attach document to customer

    The yellow error message appears at the top. I know thimakes no sense here...baffled

    Actually this does make sense since this process will first try to save the customer record before adding a document to their name.  It sounds like you have some duplicate customer names in Method which you'll need to clear up.  I would first do a full sync to make sure Method and QuickBooks Online data are in sync, click the QuickBooks > Synchronize tab then click the first Sync now... button.  Wait for that to finish then review the Resolve Conflicts tab link to see what's showing - I think you're going to see some conflcits in here on duplicate customer names.  If you do have duplicates make sure you delete from Method.

    Once that's all cleared up try to attach the document again and let me know how it goes.


  • 09-21-2012 12:21 PM In reply to

    • WQA
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    Re: not able to attach document to customer

    That was not the issue, no duplicates in either Method or QB online. Everything about these 2 customers looks perfectly fine (all info in Method mirrors QB online) the only problem is this document upload a loss

  • 09-21-2012 12:31 PM In reply to

    • WQA
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    Re: not able to attach document to customer

    Could it be a problem if these were stil leads when the invoices were created in QB.? I know my admin person was at one point forgetting to convert them to customers before adding them to QB online.

  • 09-21-2012 12:47 PM In reply to

    • WQA
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    Re: not able to attach document to customer

    Ok, I thnk I have it fixed now. You were right about the duplicates, there were still leads under these account names. Once I deleted thos it all seems to be working.


  • 09-21-2012 1:46 PM In reply to

    Re: not able to attach document to customer


    Ok, I thnk I have it fixed now

    Sounds good - this should resolve your other forum post as well.  If you ever run into issues on duplicate names push a full sync and see what shows up in the Resolve Conflicts tab link.


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