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Changing Sales Reps for customers

Last post 10-12-2012 9:05 AM by Method_Michael. 25 replies.
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  • 10-09-2012 7:41 AM In reply to

    Re: Changing Sales Reps for customers

    @MikeB - I see you mentioned "contact level" and it got me thinking maybe all this confusion is around what you identify as a parent level/child and we classify as a entity (lead, customer, vendor) / contact. In your Method account, if you go to Customers > Customers and Contacts List and edit any customer. Then from the edit customer screen, the contacts tab section lists all the contacts linked to that entity. I'm not sure if this is your situation but contacts that are linked to an entity (lead, customer, vendor) and get their sales reps initial from the entity. The SalesRep field in the contacts table is a linked field that gets automatically filled from the table it is linked from. This means no matter what value you enter at the contact level, it will grab it from the entity.

    If you're not referring to contacts though, then this probably doesn't apply.

  • 10-09-2012 9:02 AM In reply to

    Re: Changing Sales Reps for customers

    Exactly. The entries in the "Contacts" field on the Customer page refer to the "Job Type" field in QB.

    There is no functionality/option in QB to change the rep for a Job Type - it's automatically what it is for the entity. The only way to change it in QB is to export the entire customer table, change the reps and then re-upload.

    I thought doing it in Method would accomplish the same thing. That's whay I was asking earlier if I was exporting/reimporting the wrong table. Perhaps that's why the values weren't "taking"?

    I don't know, but there appears to be issues changing individual accounts as well. I'll do some further testing. Maybe changing the parent first and then all the contacts will work...But that's pretty laborious.

  • 10-09-2012 9:12 AM In reply to

    Re: Changing Sales Reps for customers

    Another test (some hope!):

    I have a parent that has only 1 Contact: Main Account. The parent rep is the new rep I want but the rep for the main Account contact is the old rep. I changed the rep for the Main Account, saved it and the changes didn't take.

    BUT...I tried it again and after saving the rep change on the Main Account contact page, I used the "Go To" link to go back to the parent page. Maybe it's a coincidence, but the change kicked in.

  • 10-09-2012 12:21 PM In reply to

    Re: Changing Sales Reps for customers

    used the "Go To" link to go back to the parent page. Maybe it's a coincidence, but the change kicked in.

    Maybe not - there might be some customization switching the sales rep here.  From everything you've posted I'm really thinking that there is some customization making these changes on you.  I tried to change the sales rep for a customer:job to something different than the parent and the changes stayed and sync'd with QB.  Nothing on my stock account reverted the changes.


  • 10-11-2012 4:43 PM In reply to

    Re: Changing Sales Reps for customers

    I noticed that the exported sales rep IDs have 5 blank spaces after them in Excel. I'm sure that my revised sales rep IDs did not have those spaces, as I typed them in and pasted copies of my entries in various rows. Could that be the issue? Do I need to add 5 spaces after every revised sales Rep ID>

  • 10-11-2012 5:00 PM In reply to

    Re: Changing Sales Reps for customers

    Could that be the issue? Do I need to add 5 spaces after every revised sales Rep ID>

    You could try that but I really don't think that's the issue here.  Let me know if adding that did anything.


  • 10-11-2012 5:30 PM In reply to

    Re: Changing Sales Reps for customers

    Keeping the 5 spaces appears to have worked, but then, I'll have to wait for synchronization.

    As stated earlier, in the Quickbooks tab, the most recent "Changes Only" synchronization time is 6:04PM, and the most recent "Push" time is 6:18PM.

    But I updated at 6:22 PM so we'll see when those times pass my update time. As an aside - what's wrong with the syncing times not reflecting me pressing the Sync/Refresh buttons?

    Anyway, I checked a couple of accounts and exported the customers table, logged out and logged back in and so far things have been imported.

    But, as I said, I'll wait until the sync times pass my update time...

  • 10-11-2012 5:35 PM In reply to

    Re: Changing Sales Reps for customers

    Well, sync is updated and the changes didn't take.

  • 10-11-2012 5:41 PM In reply to

    Re: Changing Sales Reps for customers

    So I updated without the spaces at the end of the sales reps and I'm waiting for the sync.

    Incidentally, in Resolve Confilcts, I get this message for a single record at the update time: "QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accEntity record. The error was: There was an error when composing an address in "". QuickBooks error message: There is not enough address lines to compose the address. Please rearrange the individual fields, so that they can fit in the 5-lines block"

    I doubt that's a problem, but I thought I'd not it.

  • 10-11-2012 5:58 PM In reply to

    Re: Changing Sales Reps for customers

    Well, no luck there either with eliminating the spaces.

    I'm at a loss

  • 10-12-2012 9:05 AM In reply to

    Re: Changing Sales Reps for customers


    I have been reviewing this thread and I think the next best course of action may be to book some time with a consultant. If this issue is a Method bug and not user error or something caused by customization or QuickBooks settings then the call will be creditable.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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