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determining which is the active screen

Last post 10-18-2012 10:35 AM by Anonymous. 5 replies.
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  • 10-17-2012 10:03 AM

    determining which is the active screen

    Good Morning,

    In CUSTOMIZATION - How do you know which is the active screen so that you can make the necessary changes to it?  Thanks 

  • 10-17-2012 11:39 AM In reply to

    Re: determining which is the active screen


    How do you know which is the active screen so that you can make the necessary changes to it?

    You can get the current tab and tab link from the value from session - this will display the name of the tab link you're on.

    Is this what you were looking for?


  • 10-17-2012 12:54 PM In reply to

    Re: determining which is the active screen

    Hi Chad,

    Thanks for the quick response.  This may be a really simple question but - Where is the "session" you are talking about?  Thanks again.


  • 10-17-2012 3:01 PM In reply to

    Re: determining which is the active screen

    Where is the "session" you are talking about?

    Value from session is available as an option when updating any value in Method.  For example, Enter Value Into Field On Screen will allow you to select value from session as an option in the dropdown:


  • 10-17-2012 5:08 PM In reply to

    Re: determining which is the active screen

    Hi Chad,

    So I have watched another webinar on customization and it seems that my screen looks different form th ones on the webinars.  In my "customize" thne "screen" tab - all the screen choices have a 2 or 3 little pictures of paper with the words "copy"  "view" and sometimes "edit" to the left of the screen choices.  On the webinar these words are to the right of the words?  How do I take a screen shot so that I can show you?  Do I have an old format? 

    (I am still unsure where to find "value from session")  



  • 10-18-2012 10:35 AM In reply to

    Re: determining which is the active screen

    my screen looks different form th ones on the webinars.

    Our webinars were recorded with an older version of Method so your screen is up to date.

    On the webinar these words are to the right of the words?

    They're now on the left but they have the same function.  You're definitely on the latest version of Method CRM!

    (I am still unsure where to find "value from session")

    You will need to be in the screen designer to get access to any actions, you can either create a new screen to test this or use a copy of one.  Let's try from a brand new screen so you know where to find it:

    1. Click Customize > Screens
    2. Type in a screen name and click Continue.
    3. Select the Customer table and select the (none) for the tab. Click Add Screen.
    4. Find your new screen in the list and click Edit.
    5. Once in the screen designer, click the Add Objects tab on the left and drag out a button.
    6. Click Edit on the button then click next to get to Button Actions.
    7. Select the action Show Message the have a look at the Insert into message area.
    8. The first dropdown should allow you to select Value From Session.
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