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On Debug Tracing Errors

Last post 11-05-2012 5:01 PM by Method_Ashur. 1 replies.
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  • 11-02-2012 2:42 PM

    On Debug Tracing Errors

    I've used Debug Tracing more this week as I've been creating more customized, detailed Actions. While doing so, I noticed the tracing results just ended at a point I was expecting an INSERT action. I spent a lot of time checking the Actions on the screen to make sure things seemed good. Finally, I turned debug tracing OFF, then tried the screen again and immediately an error popped up regarding a problem with my table INSERT.

    So just a lesson to anyone that might search this forum for debug tracing help...errors are "swallowed up" when debug tracing is ON. So when developing/testing/debugging a screen, be sure to try out your screens with both Debug Tracing ON and OFF in order to get the whole picture.

    Hope this helps.

    Blake C
  • 11-05-2012 5:01 PM In reply to

    Re: On Debug Tracing Errors


    Hi Blake C,

    Debug Tracing doesn't show any errors a user would receive based on the actions being performed, instead it was designed to show all the values held from each of the actions (what is assigned and when), i.e. Assign Value to Action Result, Character Function, Retrieve Value from Table, etc. So you as the customizer would be able to see where a value would not be assigned correctly and work from there. Therefore your INSERT action wouldn't show up using the Debug Tracing option. Regarding your error message being "swallowed up", I'm guessing the debug message comes up first since all conditions are met for it to display, cancelling out any messages which would come after it. If there was an issue before the debug message was to display then the action error message would show but not the debug tracing one.

    - Ashur
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