Hi Denice,
Denice:I have added the button and it pulls the info, but I want to create a filter where it only pulls what is on the screen selected as opposed to the entire list. OR have it pull by the date selected.
Yes, you can filter by Date Range but keep in mind that you need to have a field in your table which holds a date value for each record.
I know it is requiring a filter, but I have not been very successful with implementing those.
Filter Report
Tables of Report = ?
Fields in Table= ?
Condition Statement= ?
From= ?
Filter Safegard= ?
For the Tables of Report dropdown you should select the table that the data is coming from, i.e. Invoice table if you're using this on the Invoice screen.
For the Fields in Table dropdown you should select the field in your table which you want to setup the filter criteria for, i.e. the Date Created field.
For the Condition Statement dropdown you should select how you want the filter to "search" for data in the field selected, i.e. Within date range.
For the From dropdown you should select what you want the filter to look for, i.e. Type In > Nov-01-2012.
For the Filter Safegaurd dropdown you should select when you want the report to be generated based off the amount of results returned after the filter criteria is met, for example if you select Always generate and you know there will be a large amount of records showing up on the report (150,000) then it will take quite some time to generate. However if you know that you only want to see 100 records or less then choose that option. One record is one row of data so make your selection based off of how many records you want to see on the report.
If you don't have a DateTime value field in your table then there is another way you can filter based off of select records but it'll be tedious and time consuming depending on the amount of records you need to show up on the report. Let me know if this works for you, if not then what data are you generating the report for, Invoices?
- Ashur