I have an Email sent button in which I am trying to per Email Type and Date Difference have automated tasks set with button presses.
My first button is for marking which emails are to be compared as shippment notifications
1. Start Loop through grid
2. Start conditional statement (If EmailSent:Subject is equal to "Your order has shipped!") then....
3. Enter value into Field On Screen (Update Email Type to Shippment Notification
4. Save all Sections
5. End Conditional Statement
6. End loop thorugh grid
My second button is to then loop through and assign tasks depending on how many days it has been since the email was sent
1. Start Loop through grid
2. Start Conditional Statement (If Email:SentEmail Type is equal to "Shippment Notification") then....
3. Date Difference (Compare EmailSent:Date to Current date and stor in 7_AR)
4 Start Conditional Statement (If 7_AR is equal to 7) then...
5. send email
6. End Conditional statement
7. End Conditional statement
8. End Loop though grid
So far my Mark shipments button is working but my Assign tasks has yet to send any emails out. Any idea if my method can work here or if its just my action numbering or notation? Thank you!