Method_Valbon:Hourly items are based on Billable AND Approved. The part you may be missing is the approved.
In the example, I was saving and approving the time tracking entries, I should have mentioned that. So, this is not the issue.
Method_Valbon:If that does not help, try running a sync as we may rely on QB to get the updated Qty to be invoiced (it is calcualted there and sent back to us...I think).
I created and approved a time tracking entry for 8 hours, synced and then invoiced and synced again. I then looked at the "Ordered" quantity in Quickbooks and it showed 8 for the line. I then click the recalculate button, which changed the Accum B-Qty to 0 on the Budgets / Contract screen. It also changed the ordered quantity to 0. I'm not 100% sure, but it appears as though the Accum B-Qty value is being sent over to QB as the Ordered Qty.
Method_Valbon:I don't quite agree with this. If something has already been invoiced why would you want it to be available to invoice again? This was done by design and I believe QB does something similar on it's end.
I agree that you don't want to invoice them again, but if my assumption above is correct, that the Accum B-Qty is being sent as the Ordered Qty you would want the Accum B-Qty to include the time that has already been invoiced because QB subtracts the Invoiced qty from the Ordered Qty to arrive at the remaining to be invoiced Qty.
Pro Services seems to do this as well. If 8 hours have already been invoiced and 6 more hours are added and approved in the time tracking, nothing will show up when you click the create invoice button.
Matt Raiser
~ Method user / partner since 2008
~ Over 15 years field service experience
~ 2013 Method Partner of the Year
~ Degree in Computer Science

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