The refresh comment could merely be my lack of know-how with the grids.
Which is why my only question right now is the same as my original goal/post.
1) After dragging a new grid onto the screen, how can i set it up so that it will pull from my custom table.
2) What steps/actions are needed to cause the grid to show a list of contacts (from my table) that have the same CustomerName field value as the customer currently selected in the Customer List "Existing Customers" grid.
I set up a relationship between contacts and customer by adding a dropdown to contacts based off the "CustomerName" field in customer.
I now need to set up the grid (that i already inserted into the 'Customer List' screen, in its own tab/section via the screen editor).
If anything I ask is vague or you need more info about what I'm trying to do, don't hesitate to let me know.
I'd really like to see this customization up and running asap. I don't think it seems that difficult. It is more an issue with learning how to get method to do it.
I'm sure you are all under alot of pressure with desired instructions / functionality and appreciate your time/effort.
If we really need to set up a consulting time to get this wrapped up, will that cost the company anything or do I just have to set date/time up with you and that's all?