We are trying to recover our lost customer base. So, the problem with typing in the first/last name to skip through vendors is that my staff is not familiar with names on the list, and I don't want a potential recovered customer to get skipped over because someone mistyped or simply didn't see the name on the list. I also don't want them to have access to everyone we purchase from--part of why I haven't given them access to the Vendors Tab.
I noticed the drop downs in the Invoice and Estimate screens don't display Vendor names on the list. I debated duplicating the settings for those dropdowns for the staff's Activity screen. Is that what you were saying you wouldn't suggest doing? What latest and greatest changes would I be missing out on? Depending on whether or not we would use these changes, this might be the most ideal way for me to go.
If I go the route of specifying tables for them to access, do I have to specify for each staff member, or is this something that can be completed through roles?