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Loop Thru Checked Grid Rows - Suppress Warning Not Working

Last post 01-07-2013 3:10 PM by Blake C. 1 replies.
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  • 01-07-2013 3:01 PM

    Loop Thru Checked Grid Rows - Suppress Warning Not Working

    Looping through a grid on a button action. Only looping through checked rows with the advanced option of 'Suppress warning when no rows are checked' selected.

    I'm getting a warning saying no rows were selected when no rows exist in the table.

    Do I have to check to see if any rows exist in the grid prior to looping through it? What am I missing here?


    Blake C
  • 01-07-2013 3:10 PM In reply to

    Re: Loop Thru Checked Grid Rows - Suppress Warning Not Working


    Argh. I'm a moron. Nevermind. I was looping through the grid twice on the page. I forgot to supress the warning for both grid loops (was previously only suppressing on the 2nd).

    Sorry for the interruption...carry on. Nothing to see here...

    Blake C
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